
MATH 002

Instructor, University of Kansas, Fall 2024

Served as instructor for two sections of MATH 002 (Intermediate Mathematics)—a course meant to prepare students to take MATH 101 (College Algebra) or MATH 104 (Precalculus). Topics covered are:

  • One-variable equations and inequalities
  • Graphs, functions, linear functions, and systems of linear equations
  • Exponents
  • Polynomials
  • Factoring polynomials
  • Rational expressions and equations
  • Radical expressions and equations
  • Complex numbers
  • Quadratics

KAP Grader

Grader, University of Kansas, Fall 2024

Grader for the Kansas Algebra Program (KAP).

Pacific Math Club Lecture Series: Topology

Lecturer, Pacific Math Club, Spring 2024

Ran a weekly lecture series through University of the Pacific’s mathematics club to lecture on topics from point-set topology which is not offered as a course at the University of the Pacific. Topics were presented in a way friendly to those with background in calculus at the levels of MATH 051 and MATH 053.

Pacific Math Club Lecture Series: Complex Analysis

Lecturer, Pacific Math Club, Fall 2023

Ran a weekly lecture series through University of the Pacific’s mathematics club to lecture on topics from a typical complex analysis course which is not offered at University of the Pacific. Topics were presented in a way friendly to those with background in calculus at the levels of MATH 051, MATH 053, and MATH 055 at the University of the Pacific.

MATH 093 (UOP)

Teaching assistant, University of the Pacific, Fall 2022

Answered student questions on in-class worksheets for a precalculus companion course.

Art of Problem Solving

Teaching Assistant, Art of Problem Solving Online School, June 2020 - Present

  • Answers student questions in live class sessions and on class message boards
  • Grades student submissions and provides detailed written feedback
  • Courses assisted to date:
    • Prealgebra 1 and 2
    • Intro to Algebra A and B
    • Intro to Counting and Probability
    • Intro to Number Theory
    • Intro to Geometry
    • Intermediate Counting and Probability
    • Precalculus
    • Calculus
    • Intro to Programming with Python
    • Intermediate Programming with Python